Given the current crisis situation caused by COVID-19, the Nouvelle Aquitaine, Euskadi, Navarra Euroregion is actively working to formulate a response to mitigate the effects caused by it.
In view of the expected socio-economic effects, we would like to play an active role in the recovery of cross-border normality.
We strengthen our commitment in the three priority axes of the Euroregional Strategic Plan 2014-2020 (Euroregional citizenship, economy of knowledge, and sustainable territory), not only through the Call for Projects, and/or other financial instruments of the Euroregion, but as a key player in terms of cross-border cooperation.
To this end, we will adapt our financial and working tools to minimize the impact of COVID-19 and promote a new cross-border dynamic.
The technical team of the Euroregion is at your disposal, by telephone, e-mail, or videoconference to answer any queries.
Related information:
- On cross-border transport.
- On cross-border employment:
- On call for projects of the Euroregion and financed projects in progress:
- Extraordinary measures: