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What is the Euroregion?

The EGTC Euroregion New Aquitaine Euskadi Navarra is a European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation created on December 12, 2011 whose purpose is to promote the economic, social and cultural development of the cross-border and Euroregional territory, while encouraging exchanges within it.

Nouvelle-Aquitaine, Euskadi, Navarra, the Euroregion*:

  • a 101,678 km² territory
  • 8,744,648 inhabitants
  • 3,541,000 jobs,
  • 486,176 companies,
  • 1,781,141 students

* 2017 data

Nouvelle-Aquitaine, Euskadi, Navarra, one Euroregion, two countries, three working languages: Basque, Spanish and French. Multilingualism in which everyone communicates, shares, learns, connects.

Nouvelle-Aquitaine, Euskadi, Navarra, one approach, one spirit, one desire: to make the Euroregion a territory that brings together proximity and remoteness, to facilitate the daily lives of the inhabitants at a local and regional scale, helping to improve their living conditions, here, now and in the future.

Mapa Eurorregión 2024


Le mot de la semaine

Drapeau eu Mila
Drapeau fr Bienvenue
Drapeau es Mil
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