The Nouvelle Aquitaine, Euskadi Navarra Euroregion launches a survey to measure the impact on citizens of the border closure

08.06.2020 Euroregion

In order to measure the extent to which the situation generated by the COVID-19 crisis is affecting cross-border relations, the Euroregion has launched a survey that will be completed by the end of this month of June with a report to reduce the negative consequences on citizens of the border closure to the minimum.

Aware of what the closure of the border has represented for the border citizenship has represented and still represents (standstill of family, social, economic, cultural relations, etc.), the Euroregion wants to compile these testimonies and discover the reality of our cross-border life.

In this sense, we invite you, as a cross-border worker or citizen of the border area, to share your experiences, by completing the following survey: Here

We also invite you to share the survey with all those around you in order to obtain as many testimonies as possible to obtain a fuller vision of the current situation in the three territories.

The deadline to respond to the survey will be the 14th of June. The results will be published in a report that will be made public at the end of June.


Over the last five years, the Euroregion has experienced a considerable increase in activity with a growing number of projects and collaborations between the territories of Nouvelle Aquitaine, Euskadi and Navarra in very diverse topics: training, employment, culture, innovation, research, mobility and transport, sports, agriculture, and a long etcetera.

Thus, the number of entities, and public and private partners that have taken an active part, and work jointly in the three territories, has increased exponentially. It is thus essential to know what their situation is today, with the closure of the border, and the extent to which their participation with the other partners is being affected.

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